
Thanks to the American neo-Dadaists and the punk scene of the 80s, Leeza found her place as an artist, using found objects to make sculptures. This raw art, which values content and feelings, has become her comfort zone.

During a short visit to Paris in 1993, a gallery in the Bastille exhibited some of her pieces. For various  reasons including her love story, She has resided in France (Montreuil) ever since. She’s has continued to make found object sculptures for the last 20 years. 
Her work hovers around the same repetitive themes such as fertility, infertility, maternity, sexuality, voyeurism and death. She often discovers her work’s meaning after its completion.

After years of being conceptual, She took a more surrealist path;  listening to her instincts, and letting her subconscious guide her.

When she starts the assembling process, she feel like she is trying to solve a mysterious puzzle, that’s when she must listen to her gut feelings in order to decide which pieces belong together.

While the end results always exposes something very primal and personal from deep within her, they also provoke a very personal response from her spectators.

Her exhibitions have been described as “an ageless, post-apocalyptic universe uniting the morbid with the playful, often erotic and sometimes violent, but always laced with a comforting sense of humor”.

Montreuil website interview:


Mars 7-17 2019 Solo exposition, La Fabuloserie Paris, 52 rue Jacob, 75006

Octobre 2013-2018 Portes Ouvertes, Montreuil. Studio Albatros 52, rue du sergent Bobillot

April, 2018 Montreuil: Saperlipopette 26 rue Capitaine Dreyfus

October, 2016 Portes Ouvertes, Montreuil: Saperlipopette 26 rue Capitai

July, 2013 Collective show "In -dreams": Pop Up gallery, Camden High Street, London England

2013 Collective show: "Portrait of the weird society", théâtre de l'Ogresse à Paris et Batofar, à Paris